Police block Blue Party rally near Office

Police block Blue Party rally near Office
De Birhan 
September 22, 2013
Police blocked thousands of Blue Party demonstrators from rallying to the City’s biggest square, Meskel Square. They were blocked after they walked 100 meters from their Head office in Ginfele,near 4Kilo. The leaders of Blue Party have ordered demonstrators to return back to the Party’s Head Office and to peacefully continue the demo there.  The demonstrators are voicing slogans like ” We Need Freedom, Police belongs to the people, we are one, Free Eskinder Nega, Free Reeyot Alemu and others”, sitting near their Head Office.
Blue Party’s earlier demo called on September 2, 2o13 had  been forcefully crushed by police. Police last week warned the Party that it could not only hold the rally in Meskel square but in Jan meda.


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