
Showing posts from September, 2013

ለግንቦት7 ህዝባዊ ሐይል የተደረገ የገንዘብ ማሰባሰብ ፕሮግራም እና ስኬት

             የወያኔ አሸባሪ ግሩፕ እና ሆዳደር ደጋፊዎቹ እንቢ ነፃነቴን ብሎ የሚነሳዉን ንፁሐን ሕዝብ ሁሉ በአሸባሪነት መፈረጁ የተለመደ የዘወትር ተግባራቸው ነዉ ፤የሌባ አይነ ደረቅ እንዲሉ።በገዛ ሀገሩ ባይተዋርነቱ፣ጉስቁልናው፣እንግልቱ የሰለቸው ህዝብ መነሳሳት ያስፈራው የወያኔ መንግስት ፍፁም መጃጃል እየታየበት መጥቶአል።    ይህን የምለው ያለምክንያት አይደለም፤ከደደቢት ተነስቶ ያላንዳች እውቀት ዕኩይ ተግባሩን ይዞ፣ የጠመንጃን አፈሙዝ ጉልበቱ በማድረግ22 ዓመት ስልጣን ላይ የተፈናጠጠዉ የወያኔ መንግስት ሕዝብ አንድ ቀን በቃኝ፣ሰለቸኝ እንደሚል አውቆ እራሱን ማስተካከል የነበረበት ሲሆን የወያኔው ተግባር ግን እጅግ በተቃራኒው ነው። የራሱን አፋኝ የስለላ ተግባር በሀገር ውስጥ እና እዉጭ ባሉ ኢትዮዽያውያን ላይ ሆዳደር ሰላዮችን መልምሎ ማሰማራት።     እናም ሰሞኑን የወገናቸው ጉስቁልና፣ ሰቆቃና የሀገራቸው የወደፊት እጣ ፈንታ ያሳሰባቸው ኢትዮዽያውያን በኖርዌ የግንቦት ፯ ህዝባዊ ሀይልን ለመደገፍ የሚያደርጉትን የገንዘብ ማሰባሰብ ፕሮግራም ለማደናቀፍ ከላይ እታች ሲሉ ከርመዋል። አልፈው ተርፈውም በተላላኪዎቻቸው በኩል አሸባሪን ለመርዳት እየተንቀሳቀሱ ነው በማለት እዚህ ዲሞክራሲ ያለበት ሀገር ውዠንብር ሲነዙ ቢከርሙም የኖርዌ ፕሮፌሰር በሀገሪቱ ውስጥ ለሚታተም አንድ ጋዜጣ እየረዳን ያለነው የግንቦት ፯ ሕዝባዊ ሀይል በየትኛዉም ዓለም በአሸባሪነት እንዳልተመዘገብ አስተያየታቸውን ሰጥተዋል።    የገንዘብ ማሰባሰቡም ተግባር የህዝባዊ ሀይሉ ከፍተኛ አመራር ኮማንደር አሰፋና የግንቦት 7 የፍትሕ...


  TPLF turned Ethiopia to be the worlds most dangerous place .Why ETHIOPIA? The oldest nation in Africa and the resistance nation against foreign occupation and imperialism. The dream of Ethiopia went down the drain. Talking of war on terror, TPLF proudly collide with the western to war against Somalia as terrorist group while the TPLF government themselves are the worst of all TERROR, turning Ethiopia into tplf-den¨.TPLF is an anti freedom of speech, anti free press, anti right to choose, anti other ethnic, anti tribe exccept tigre, anti christ, anti muslim anti Ethiopia in general. You have nothing to worry about if you didn`t do nothing. Why TPLF agents everywhere? every one is at risk. woyanes(the gorillas) knows themselve in all what they are doing is they have to put the nation in darkness without information so they have to hunt jurnalists, bloggers, opposition,peacefull demonstraters , news papers and magazine hawkers,everybody is a ...

Police block Blue Party rally near Office

Police block Blue Party rally near Office De Birhan  September 22, 2013 Police blocked thousands of Blue Party demonstrators from rallying to the City’s biggest square, Meskel Square. They were blocked after they walked 100 meters from their Head office in Ginfele,near 4Kilo. The leaders of Blue Party have ordered demonstrators to return back to the Party’s Head Office and to peacefully continue the demo there.  The demonstrators are voicing slogans like ” We Need Freedom, Police belongs to the people, we are one, Free Eskinder Nega, Free Reeyot Alemu and others”, sitting near their Head Office. Blue Party’s earlier demo called on September 2, 2o13 had  been forcefully crushed by police. Police last week warned the Party that it could not only hold the rally in Meskel square but in Jan meda.

የቤተመንግስት ደህንነት ሃላፊ ተነሱ (ከኢየሩሳሌም አርአያ

የቤተመንግስት ደህንነት ሃላፊ ተነሱ (ከኢየሩሳሌም አርአያ) የቤተ-መንግስት የደህንነት ጥበቃ ዋና ሃላፊ ሆነው ሲያገለግሉ የቆዩት የሕወሐት አባል አቶ ጌታቸው ተፈሪ ከስልጣናቸው መነሳታቸውን ምንጮች አስታወቁ። አቶ ጌታቸው ቀደም ሲል በክልል 14 ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን የደሕንነት ልዩ ተወርዋሪ ሃይል ሃላፊ ተደርገው ሲያገለግሉ መቆየታቸውን የጠቆሙት ምንጮች፣ ከዚያም ወደ ቤተ መንግስት ተዛውረው መመደባቸውንና በተጨማሪ የአገር ውስጥ ደህንነት ምክትል ሃላፊ በመሆን ከአቶ ወ/ስላሴ ወ/ሚካኤል ጋር ሲሰሩ መቆየታቸውን አስረድተዋል። የአቶ መለስና ወ/ሮ አዜብ የቅርብ ሰው የሆኑት አቶ ጌታቸው ተፈሪ በነበራቸው ታማኝነት የቤተመንግስት የደህንነት ሃላፊ ተደርገው በአቶ መለስ ተመርጠው እንደተሾሙ ያስታወሱት ምንጮች፣ በማያያዝም እስከ 1994ዓ.ም የቤተመንግስት የደህንነት ጥበቃ በሃላፊነት ሲመሩ የቆዩት አቶ ዘርኡ መለስ በወቅቱ ከአቶ መለስ ጋር በፈጠሩት የፖለቲካ ልይነት ምክንያት ካዛንቺስ አካባቢ በሚገኘው የቀድሞ “ኮከብ ሬስቶራንት” የአሁኑ “ሚልክ ሃውስ” መኖሪያ ሕንፃ አንደኛ ፎቅ ቤታቸው ውስጥ አንገታቸው በስለት ታርዶና በድናቸው ተበላሽቶ መገኘቱን አመልክተዋል። ይህን አሰቃቂ ግድያ ያከናወነው አሁን በእስር ቤት የሚገኘው የቀድሞ አገር ውስጥ ደህንነት ሃላፊና የአቶ መለስ ቀኝ እጅ ወ/ስላሴ ወ/ሚካኤል መሆኑን ምንጮቹ አጋልጠዋል። አቶ ጌታቸው ተፈሪ ከስልጣን እንዲነሱ የተደረገው በደህንነት ዋና ሹም አቶ ጌታቸው አሰፋ ትእዛዝ መሆኑን ያመለከቱት ምንጮች፣ በአሁኑ ወቅት በምን ሁኔታ ላይ እንደሚገኙ እንደማይታወቅ ጠቁመዋል። አቶ ጌታቸው ተፈሪ የወ/ስላሴ መታሰር ቅር ሳያሰኛቸው እንዳልቀረና በተጨማሪም የነአዜብ ቡድን ደጋፊ መሆናቸውን ምንጮቹ አመልክተዋል። S...

Embezzlers of over 700million birr walk free

Embezzlers of over 700million birr walk free ESAT News  September 17, 2013 Information obtained from the Ethiopian Federal Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (FEACC) reveals that public officials that embezzled over 734,600,000 birr, although charged with clear evidences, walk without being convicted. It has also been indicated that various other corruption crimes that have been charged with plenty of clear evidences since 2012 have not yet been convicted. In the Benishangul Gumz region, a top government official has been charged for embezzling 94,300 birr from the higher education constriction fund but has not so far been given proper verdict. An illegal compensation payment of over 6million birr has been made by the rehabilitation project of the Arada Sub City in Addis Abeba. Three files of investigation have been completed and they have been charged in 2012 although no decision has been made so far. Similarly, 12 and 34 million birr in the Ethiopian Commercial Ban...

Blue Party to hold a rally on Sunday

Blue Party to hold a rally on Sunday ESAT News  September 17, 2013 The opposition Semayawi (Blue) Party has announced that it is going to hold an opposition rally on Sunday September 22, 2013 in Addis Abeba. The Party said, the, although Addis Abeba City Administration was supposed to give a response to the Party’s demonstration application within 12 hours, it has not yet done so. However, the Party said that it has already accomplished what was expected of it such as informing the relevant government departments and is now making the necessary preparations for the rally. Blue Party called on political parties, civil society organizations and citizens to be present at the demonstration. It also called police and security forces to keep an eye on the rally and protect the rights of the protesters by preventing incidences that could spoil the public’s peace and security. It is to be recalled that the Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) Party has got the green light from t...

Journalist Reeyot is on a hunger strike

Journalist Reeyot is on a hunger strike September 11, 2013 Following the orders of Kaliti Prison authorities yesterday that Journalist and educator Reeyot Alemu could only be visited by her parents and a religious Father, Reey0t has kicked off a hunger strike. Her younger sister, Eskedar Alemu wrote on her Facebook wall that Reeyot Alemu is finding herself in an extremely difficult predicament in Kaliti prison. Eskedar said in her Note that the Head of Female Prisoners’ Rooms of the Prison known as Aminazer has been abusive to Reeyot and her visitors. And now, Colonel Haymanot Tesfaye, an ex-rebel and official of the TPLF, who was recently arrested following her husband, Gebrewahed Woldegiorgis (former Deputy Director of Customs and Revenue Authority and TPLF member) on corruption charges, has been placed in the same room with Reeyot and was given a bed next to Reeyot. Colonel Haymanot has been insulting and threatening Reeyot the whole night. Reeyot and her families ...

እስክንድር ነጋ በኢትዮጲያ ላይ የኢኮኖሚ ተፅእኖ እንዲደረግና ግፍ በፈፀሙ ባለስልጣናት ላይ ጉዞ እገዳ ጠየቀ

እስክንድር ነጋ በኢትዮጲያ ላይ የኢኮኖሚ ተፅእኖ እንዲደረግና ግፍ በፈፀሙ ባለስልጣናት ላይ ጉዞ እገዳ ጠየቀ Note : On his article that appeared on the Guardian Newspaper today, incarcerated Ethiopian journalist Eskinder Nega called for a “sanction against Ethiopia”. He said ” I urge Europe to apply economic sanctions against Ethiopia”. === A prisoner of conscience’s call for sanctions against Ethiopia European aid has transformed my country’s economy but also props up one-party rule. Let EU donors give us democracy Eskinder Nega, Friday 6 September 2013 18.15 BST To Ethiopia’s archaic left, which dominates the ruling party, the new euphemism for the west is neoliberal. Compared to the jargon of bygones days – imperialists – when Lenin and Mao were still in vogue, neoliberal sounds decidedly wimpy. But this hardly matters to Ethiopia’s ruling party. What it seeks is a bogeyman to tamp down rising expectations for multiparty democracy. To this end, plying nationalist sentiment is the easy option. A...


The devilish non educated   Members of ( TPLF ) have started  collecting signatures to oppose the decision of U.S. Congress on Human Rights Bill on Ethiopia. The citzens of Ethiopia shown their appreciations to the US congressman smith for the first step he took in establishing democracy ang human right in Ethiopia. Congressman Smith calls for witnesses, the freedom fighters whom the TPLF labled them as terrorist.                      who is terrorizing who? and who to call a terrorist? blue party office Today, the non educated leaders of Ethiopia are telling us fighting for freedom, justice, equality and respect on human right is an act of terrorist.   Only a fools can threats their allied with letters to oppose human right bill on their country. They said ( Ethiopia would not change its stand and positions due external ...