New Defence Proclamation makes no change on its nepotistic structure

ESAT News  

The new Defense Proclamation that was tabled for discussion for the members of the External Defence Security, Legal, Justice and Administration Standing Committees of the Ethiopian Parliament would make no change on the current nepotistic leadership structure of the Defense where 98% of the army officials come from a single ethnic group, it has been learnt.

Officials of the Ethiopian Defense Forces on the other hand say the proclamation annuls the previous laws and promotes the Defense Force.

Although the members of the Standing Committees had asked for changes regarding rank promotion, accommodation, the execution of death sentences, none of them had dared to question the complete dominance of the TPLF in the military structure, it was reported.

Sources say the new Proclamation makes the Force a servant of one Party and contains nothing new that helps soldiers “who suffer in the desert and foreign lands”.

Samora Yenus, the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defence Forces, Brigadier General Zewdu, Head of the 44th Dalol Section of the Western Command, Lieutenant Colonel Azezew Mekonen, Head of the 44th Brigade 2nd Regiment, Lieutenant General Yohannes G/Meskel, Head of the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Sudan, Lieutenant General Se’are Mekonen, Head of the Northern Command, Lieutenant General Abebaw Tadese, Major General Mola Gebremariam and the security advisor Tsegaye Berhe have all discussed the Draft and expressed their support.

The articles of the proclamation were reportedly adopted from Chinese and Israel’s proclamations. However, it was adopted on a manner that it cannot affect the current leadership structure. The new draft bill is expected to be approved by the House soon.



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