
Showing posts from 2016
Lovise Aalen`s especial report on Ethiopia She is a researcher director at Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) in Bergen,Norway. Her researches especially on human rights and governance in the countries of the Horn of Africa.                                               Fare for langvarig uro           (Biletet er frå ein sørgeseremoni etter at over 50 menneske mista livet då soldatar brukte tåregass og skapte panikk blant fredelege Oromia-demonstrantar i oktober. Foto: NTB Scanpix/Reuters Det siste året har Etiopia vore prega av spreidde, men likevel omfattande protestar. Demonstrasjonar i dei to mest folkerike regionane, Oromia og Amhara, har ført til at Etiopia ikkje lenger kan framstille seg som ei oase av ro i eit elles ...
Ethiopian authorities release details of state of emergency ESAT News (October 15, 2016) One week after declaring a six-month state of emergency, Ethiopian authorities released details of the law on Saturday prohibiting exchange of electronic messages and banning public gatherings and demonstrations among others. The state run media outlets on Saturday published details of the law as presented by the head of the command post secretariat in charge of the state of emergency and minister of defense, Siraj Fergessa. The emergency law prohibits the exchange of messages and information via the Internet, cell phones, social media, television and radio. Publishing and distributing documents, holding demonstrations, showing protest gestures, importing and exporting published materials were also prohibited by the law. The law specifically mentioned two independent media outlets abroad and banned the public from watching and listening to television and radio programm...
Urgent Call To Stop ongoing mass-torture of Amhara Youths in Birsheleko Concentration Camp! ________________________________________ The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) minority regime, following a deadly crackdown of protesters over the past two weeks in Amhara cities and towns, detained thousands of youths and concentrated them in a military training camp called Birsheleko. They call the place in its operational name “Meseretawi Maseltegna,” located bordering a smal l town called Tach-Ber. Birsheleko is 18 kilometers away from Finote Selam—a small zonal town, 389.5 kilometers northwest of Addis Ababa, and 170.4 kilometers east of Bahir Dar, the capital city of The State of Amhara. The TPLF-minority regime, which has been busy in mass-murdering of the Amhara for the past 25 more years, is now actively accelerating its genocidal activities more than ever before. Informants told us that there is an ongoing high-level torture—inhuman tortures hard to explain in ...
   What is behind Ethiopia's wave of protests? Oromo protesters took to the streets of the capital, Addis Ababa, on Saturday BBC Ethiopia's government normally keeps a tight grip on the country but has been unable to prevent a wave of protests in recent months. There has not been anything on this scale in the last 25 years. They began in the Oromia region last November but have now sprung up in the Amhara region - the homelands of the country's two biggest ethnic groups. Activists say dozens of people were killed in Oromia, as security forces clashed with the demonstrators, along with seven in Amhara, although the Oromia deaths have not been confirmed. In response to the protests, the government shut down the internet for two days. Why now? There has not been a specific trigger and what we are seeing is an accumulation of years of frustration from ethnic groups who say they have been marginalised by the government. Protesters in the Amh...
7 dead as Ethiopian police and protesters clash: sources        Addis Ababa (AFP) - At least seven people were killed during fresh clashes between police and anti-government protesters in western Ethiopia on Saturday, local sources said, while the ethnic unrest also reached the capital Addis Ababa for the first time. Saturday's rally in the capital was called by opposition groups from the Oromo, Ethiopia's main ethnic group. Some 500 people gathered amid a heavy police presence on the capital's main Meskel Square shouting slogans such as "we want our freedom" and "free our political prisoners." Police swiftly moved in to break up the protest. The other main ethnic group, the Amhara, has also held rallies in recent weeks. Both groups, which between them make up some 80 percent of the population, complain that they suffer discrimination in favour of ethnic Tigrayans, who they say occupy the key jobs in the government and security force...

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL: Ethiopia: Several killed, dozens arrested as anti-...

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL: Ethiopia: Several killed, dozens arrested as anti-... : Ethiopia: Several killed, dozens arrested as anti-government protests continue                                             Africanews...
Ethiopia: Several killed, dozens arrested as anti-government protests continue                                             Africanews.:-Anti-government protesters have remobilised in the northern Ethiopian city of Bahir Dar on Sunday to continue the nationwide demonstration that was marked by violence on Saturday in the capital Addis Ababa and the northern regions of Amhara and Oromia. There are reports of heavy gunfire in the city which is also the capital of the Amhara region. At least seven people were killed during Saturday’s clashes with the police in the Oromia region while dozens of protesters calling for a regime change in Ethiopia have been arrested, AFP reports. Erupting in the capital for the first time, hundreds of chanting protesters tried to ...

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL: አስቸኩዋይ የትግል ጥሪ ከጎንደር

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL: አስቸኩዋይ የትግል ጥሪ ከጎንደር :                                አስቸኩዋይ የትግል ጥሪ ከጎንደር                          ከጎንደር አማራ ኢትዮጵያውያን ለመላው ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የተላለፈ አስቸኳይ ጥሪ!          ...

አስቸኩዋይ የትግል ጥሪ ከጎንደር

                               አስቸኩዋይ የትግል ጥሪ ከጎንደር                          ከጎንደር አማራ ኢትዮጵያውያን ለመላው ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የተላለፈ አስቸኳይ ጥሪ!                                    ሼር አድርገው ለወገንዎ ያድርሱ ፥ መርጃ ሃይል ነው።                              A STRUGGLE CALL FROM GONDER
Deaths and detentions in Ethiopia as protests flare Six people have been reported killed in the country's Gondar region, and dozens detained during a rally in Addis Ababa.   Saturday's rally was the first rally to be held in Addis Ababa after a series of Oromo and Amhara protests elsewhere [Reuters]      At least six people have been reported killed over two days of protests in Ethiopia while dozens were arrested in the capital, Addis Ababa. A source told Al Jazeera that four people were killed on Saturday in the northern Gondar region, in addition to two people killed in the area on Friday. Located 700km north of Addis Ababa, Gondar is a region dominated by the ethnic Amharas. Ethiopian authorities would not confirm the death toll. The reported deaths come as dozens of ethnic Oromo protesters were arrested in Addis Ababa on Saturday. At least 500 Oromo people - protesting against alleged economic inequality and discrimination - gathered amid a...

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL: Two dead as land protest hits ancient Ethiopian ci...

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL: Two dead as land protest hits ancient Ethiopian ci... : Two dead as land protest hits ancient Ethiopian city Gondar Anger mounted over the status of a disputed territory – a highly-charged iss...
Two dead as land protest hits ancient Ethiopian city Gondar Anger mounted over the status of a disputed territory – a highly-charged issue in a nation made up of a patchwork of ethnic groups by Aaron Maasho ADDIS ABABA, Aug 5 (Reuters) – Two protesters died in clashes with police in Ethiopia’s ancient city of Gonder on Friday, campaigners said, as anger mounted over the status of a disputed territory – a highly-charged issue in a nation made up of a patchwork of ethnic groups. Violence broke out as police brought one of the leaders of a land campaign movement to court, according to one person who said he had been in the crowd and asked to remain anonymous. Amhara region president Gedu Andargachew did not mention any deaths but told journalists the protests were illegal and said security services would take measures against anyone who took part. Any sign of unrest is closely watched in Ethiopia, a major Western ally against Islamist militants in neighbouring Somalia a...
Ethiopia: ARDUF Condemns the Massacres Committed by TPLF in Gondar ARDUF CONDEMNS THE HEINOUS MASSACRES COMMITTED BY TPLF ON GONDER PEOPLE (ARDUF Press Release) —  As feared and forewarned for the last 26 years by many forces and quarters in Ethiopia the smoldering identity issues seem to have reached the boiling point and are about to erupt into a national insurrection against the murderous regime of TPLF. The first is what everybody feared and second or the collective reaction is what everybody wished. As Afars, the systematic incorporating of traditionally owned land by TPLF is not new to us. The 1976 TPLF’s Political Manifesto for Republic of Greater Tigray proclaimed the ownership of Afar land. We can say that TPLF started this expropriating process first in Afar land in 1978. Only three years after its inception in 1975, the first battle between them and the Afars was fought in the Barahle village and hence the launching of our UGUUGUMO resistance immediately...

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL:  ሰበር መረጃይድረስ ለጎንደር :- ወያኔ የተባለ ፋሽሽት ከስር መሰረቱ የተነ...

LIBERTY voice CHANNEL:  ሰበር መረጃ ይድረስ ለጎንደር :- ወያኔ የተባለ ፋሽሽት ከስር መሰረቱ የተነ... :  ሰበር መረጃ ይድረስ ለጎንደር :- ወያኔ የተባለ ፋሽሽት ከስር መሰረቱ የተነሳበትን ኢትዮጵያን እና አማራን የማጥፋት ተግባሩን ዛሬም አጠናክሮ በመቀጠል እነሆ የሞት ድግስ በጎንደር ደግሶልናል። ውድ የጎንደር ኢት...
 ሰበር መረጃ ይድረስ ለጎንደር :- ወያኔ የተባለ ፋሽሽት ከስር መሰረቱ የተነሳበትን ኢትዮጵያን እና አማራን የማጥፋት ተግባሩን ዛሬም አጠናክሮ በመቀጠል እነሆ የሞት ድግስ በጎንደር ደግሶልናል። ውድ የጎንደር ኢትዮጵያዊ ወገኖቻችን ወያኔ የሞት ድግስ ወዳዘጋጀበት ኳስ ጨዋታ ማናችሁም ዝር እንዳትሉ በታላቅ ተማፅኖ እየተማፀናችሁ ነው፤ ኳስ ጨዋታውን ልጆቹ ራሳቸው ይጫወቱ ፤ በሰላም ጊዜ እንደግፋቸዋለን። ከወያኔ ደህንነት ኃይል አፈትልኮ የወጣ መረጃ ደርሶናል ይኸውም በፋሲል ከነማ ኳስ ጨዋታ ላይ ወጣቱን ለማፈን ትእዛዝ እንደወጣ እና ዝግጅት እንደተደረገ ሲሆን በተለይም ወደ ዘጠና የሚሆኑ ወጣቶች ፎቶ ለሁሉም አጋዚ ሰራዊት ተሰቷቸው ለማደን ተዘጋጅተዋል። የነገውን ጨዋታም በኮድ መቃጥን እያሉ እየጠሩት ይገኛሉ። ነገ በመቃጥን ሁሉም ሰራዊት በተጠንቀቅ ይቁም የሚል መልእክት ከወያኔ ደህንነቶች ተደጋግሞ የተሰማ መልእክት ነው። ስለዚህ ወጣቶች ነገ በጣም ጥንቃቄ ያደርጉ ዘንድ እናሳስባለን !!! ወጣቱ ላይ ሰበብ ፈጥረው ተኩሰው የጎንደርን ህዝብ ቅስም ለመስበር ተዘጋጅተዋል እናም ሁሉም ወጣት ይጠነቀቅ ዘንድ እናሳስባለን ፤የአንድ አማራ ወጣት ነፍስ ሽታችን ናት። አንድ የአማራ ደም ከዚህ በኋላ ከፈሰሰ ወያኔ የሚደርስበትን የመልስ ምት ይጠብቅ ፤ ለዚህ ደግሞ በጎንደር ፣በጎጃም፣በወሎ ያለን ኢትዮጵያውያን የአማራ ተወላጅ በመሆናችን ብቻ በወያኔ ፋሽሽታዊ አገዛዝ እየደረሰብን ያለውን ግፍና መከራ፤የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል በቃን በማለት ወያኔን አይቀጡ ቅጣት በመቅጣት ነፃነታችንን ለማወጅ መተባበር ያለብን ዛሬ ነው። የጎንደር ኢትዮጵያዊ፥:-የታለህ ጎጃም? ፣የታለህ ወሎ?፣ የታለህ ሸዋ? ጎንደር ሲጠቃ ይልሐል !!!
Friday, June 17, 2016 Seminar med Berhanu Nega fra Ginbot 7 Publisert: 17 juni 2016 -    Berhanu Nega, leder for den etiopiske opposisjonsorganisasjonen Patriotic Ginbot 7, deltok nylig på seminar i regi av NOAS. Både UDI, UNE og Landinfo var til stede på seminaret, som ga nyttig informasjon om forholdene i Etiopia. Den 3. juni 2016 holdt NOAS et seminar for å belyse situasjonen for medlemmer og sympatisører av Patriotic Ginbot 7, både for de som er aktive i Etiopia og i eksilmiljøene i Norge. Lederen for Ginbot 7 i Norge, Mulualem Adam, og lederen for Ginbot 7, Berhanu Nega holdt foredrag på seminaret. Kort om Ginbot 7 og Berhanu Nega Ginbot 7 er en etiopisk organisasjon som ble dannet i eksil. Organisasjonen ble offisielt annonsert 15. mai 2008. Navnet på partiet betyr 15. mai på amharisk og refererer til datoen da valget til nasjonalforsamling i Etiopia ble avholdt i 2005. Partiet ble etablert på initiativ fra Berhanu Nega og Andargachew Tsige. Begge har røtter i E...