
Showing posts from July, 2023

Ethiopia: Crushing Freedom Creating Fear BY GRAHAM PEEBLES

  The sight of a despot masquerading as a lover of democracy is as repulsive as it is common. Leaders like Abiy, rule through fear, control, and the fermentation of social division. The antidote to their brutality, difficult to accomplish, is unity; sustained, peaceful, collective action (think Arab Spring e.g.). Against a united populous, focused and mobilized, no regime, no matter how cruel, can stand. Repressive regimes know this well, hence the focus on fueling communal divisions and maintaining social hardship. Political activism is a luxury when you’re hungry or destitute. Crushing criticism Freedom of all kinds is the enemy of all such regimes; freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of the media; essential elements of a democratic nation and a free society, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Freedom of expression, like all such rights, flows from The Good – that Center of Righteousness, which sits within the heart of everyone, even...