ECADF Person of the Year: Prof. Berhanu Nega
ECADF families around the world are privileged and take great pride to nominate Prof. Berhanu Nega as The Person of the Year for his outstanding contributions and sacrifices to Co-Found G7 and Chair Patriotic Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy. His moral clarity to see democratic governance and his unwavering dedication to bring together and galvanize the Ethiopian families for justice and liberty is a lesson for one-and-all and, most importantly for our people at home; that suffered so much and for far too long under the ethnocentric and corrupt Apartheid regime. We will do whatever it takes to make his sacrifice and vision among his comrades’ to bare fruit and ,thank them all for setting an example for all of us to follow. Long live for Ethiopia, her children and all members of Patriotic and Ginbot 7.