Ethiopia is One of the Top Ten Worst Jailers of Journalists More than 200 journalists are imprisoned for their work for the third consecutive year, reflecting a global surge in authoritarianism. China is the world’s worst jailer of journalists in 2014. A CPJ special report by Shazdeh Omari. The Committee to Protect Journalists identified 220 journalists in jail around the world in 2014, an increase of nine from 2013. The tally marks the second-highest number of journalists in jail since CPJ began taking an annual census of imprisoned journalists in 1990, and highlights a resurgence of authoritarian governments in countries such as China, Ethiopia, Burma, and Egypt. China’s use of anti-state charges and Iran’s revolving door policy in imprisoning reporters, bloggers, editors, and photographers earned the two countries the dubious distinction of being the world’s worst and second worst jailers of journalists, respectively. Together, China and Iran are holding a third of j...
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Kidnapped, raped and left for dead: who will protect Ethiopia's girls? Gender-based violence is rampant, yet rather than equip NGOs to provide support, the law has all but crippled women’s rights organisations A social media campaign was started in Ethiopia after 16-year-old Hanna Lalango died after being sexually attacked on the streets. Photograph: Facebook O ne day in early October, Hanna Lalango, 16, did not return from school to her home in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, at the usual time. Her father Lalongo Hayesso was worried about his youngest daughter . “We waited for her at her usual time … but we had to wait for 11 days to hear that she had been abandoned on the street. She was incapacitated and couldn’t even get up,” said Hayesso. His daughter had been abducted, gang-raped and left for dead. Hanna was not able to get to hospita...
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11-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF ANUAK MASSACRE OF 2003 WILL BE REMEMBERED BY MANY ETHIOPIAN ANUAK LIVING IN REFUGEE CAMPS AFTER BEING FORCIBLY UPROOTED FROM THEIR INDIGENOUS LAND This year, members of the Ethiopian community in the Greater Houston, Texas, have sent a significant gift of encouragement to the Anuak who have been uprooted from their land and homes. December 13, 2014 PRESS RELEASE. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Vancouver, BC, Canada) December 13, 2014 will mark the 11-year anniversary of the horrific massacre of 424 Ethiopians of Anuak ethnicity in Gambella, Ethiopia. Even though it has been over a decade, it still seems like yesterday to the Anuak, especially to those who lost members of their families. Some of the victims remain in unmarked mass graves. The Anuak as well as the other people in the region have never really recovered from this traumatic tragedy, let alone the fact that no justice has been done. Part of the reason for this is that the live...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEMORANDUM TO: The United Nations Security Council Sanctions Committee FROM: Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy. DATE: October 27, 2014 SUBJECT: Response to References made about Ginbot 7 in the Report of the Monitoring Group of Somalia and Eritrea (here after SEMG), Pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 2111 (2013). Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy expresses its high regards to The United Nations Security Council , and would like to use this opportunity and bring to the attention its reservations regarding some references made about it in SEMG report of October 13, 2014. 1. The SEMG report states that “Ginbot 7 is a banned opposition group”. We would like to call the attention of the International Community to the infamous “Anti-Terrorism Proclamation” promulgated by ...
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Thousands of Ethiopians tortured by brutal government security forces... while Britain hands over almost £1 BILLION in aid money Amnesty International says 5,000 people tortured, raped and 'disappeared' Over the last three years the UK Government has given Ethiopia £1 billion It pocketed £261.5 million in 2012 and £284.4 million in 2013 More than £1billion from taxpayers was given in aid to Ethiopia while its security forces tortured, killed and raped, campaigners claimed yesterday. Amnesty International has documented thousands of shockingly brutal abuses against citizens suspected of political opposition. The human rights group’s report follows calls for greater scrutiny by Britain and other donors to ensure their money does not support state-sanctioned killings and brutality. Amnesty warned that thousands have faced repeated torture while unlawful state killings have been carried out...
Ethiopia’s PM responds to UK’s David Cameron on the Tsege case - DireTube - Ethiopian Largest Video Sharing Site
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Ethiopia’s PM responds to UK’s David Cameron on the Tsege case Late Friday, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn gave a brief response to UK prime minister David Cameron who pleaded for the life of imprisoned rebel leader Andargachew Tsege. Mr. Cameron has reportedly “written personally” to Desalegn requesting that Mr Tsege be saved from death penalty. In response to local media questions, Mr Desalegn said he can not “interfere with the legal proceedings” facing Tsege in Ethiopia. Mr Desalegn also revealed that the prosecution has received “new and updated evidence” that Mr Tsege and his Ginbot7 organization is actively engaged in terrorist activities against the Ethiopian government. He is reportedly referring to a recent article by US based website “Ethiomedia” which interviewed Ginbot7 chairman Berhanu Nega this week. Mr Birhanu told Ethiomedia that Ginbot7 is training its militia in Eritrea in order to fight the Ethiopian government. Desalegn said Tsege has been given a d...
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ባነሰ ወጪ ድልን መቀዳጃ አመቺ ጊዜ ላይ ነን – እንጠቀምበት! በአለፈው አንድ ወር ጊዜ ውስጥ በምንም የማይገናኙ እና የተመሰቃቀሉ የሚመስሉ፤ በጥልቀት ላያቸው ግን የተያያዙና የተደጋገፉ ከመሆናቸው አልፎ እንደከዋክብት ፈለግ አቅጣጫን የሚያመላክቱ በርካታ ክስተቶች ተስተውለዋል። የጊዜ ቅደም ተከተላቸውን ሳንጠብቅ አንዳንዱን ለአብነት ያህል እናንሳ። በማኅበረ ቅዱሳን ላይ የዘነበው የዘለፋና የዛቻ ውርጅብኝ ህወሓት በቀጥታ በማይቆጣጠራቸው ማኅበራት ላይ ሁሉ ሲደርስ የቆየው ነፃ ማኅበራትን የማፍረስ ዘመቻ አካል መሆኑን መገንዘብ ቀላል ነው። ህወሓት የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮችን ነፃ ማኅበርን በቁጥጥሩ ውስጥ ካስገባ በኋላ ፊቱን ወደ ክርስትና በተለይም ወደ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ማዞሩ የተረጋገጠ ነገር ሆኗል። ወያኔ በሥልጣን ላይ እስካለ ድረስ ማንም ከጥቃት እንደማያመልጥ፤ ለምንም ጉዳይ ይቋቋም ወያኔ የማይቆጣጠረው ማኅበር እንዲኖር የማይፈልግ መሆኑ ከዚህ በፊት የሚታወቅ ቢሆን በድጋሚ ማረጋገጫ የሰጠበት አጋጣሚ ሆኗል። በመዠንግር ከአስራ አምስት በላይ የሥርዓቱ ታጣቂዎች ከነመሣሪያዎቻቸው አገዛዙን ክደው ጠፍተዋል። የጠፉትን ለማደን የመጡ ወታደሮች ደግሞ ከሕዝቡ ጋር በፈጠሩት ግጭት በርካቶች ሕይወታቸውን አጥተዋል። በዚህ ግጭት ብቻ ከ40 በላይ ወታደሮች መገደላቸው ይነገራል። በጋምቤላ እና በቤንሻንጉልና ጉሙዝ ወረዳዎች ውጥረት ሰፍኗል። ከመሃል አገር ሄደው ኑሮዓቸውን እዚያው ያደረጉ ዜጎች ላይ ከተለያዩ አቅጣጫዎች የሚደርስባቸው አፈናና እንግልት ጨምሯል። ግድብ እየተሠራበት ነው በሚባለው አካባቢም ከአሁኑ የፀጥታ ችግር እየደረሰ መሆኑ መረጃዎች ይጠቅማሉ። ወያኔ በምሥራቅ ኢትዮጵያ ኦጋዴን ውስጥ የገባበት ዓይነት ማጥ በምዕራብና ደቡ...
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Government blasted for 'dodging obligations' and not pressing for release of Brit on death row in Ethiopia Political refugee Andy Tsege 'kidnapped' by Ethopia and possibly facing torture The partner of a British father-of-three being held on death row after he was spirited into Ethiopia has accused the Government of “dodging its obligations” by insisting it has no grounds for demanding his release. Andargachew “Andy” Tsege, 59, was arrested at an airport in Yemen in June, and vanished for a fortnight until he reappeared in Ethiopian detention facing a death sentence imposed five years ago after a trial held in his absence. The Foreign Office is now facing legal action after it classified Mr Tsege’s arbitrary disappearance and removal to Ethiopia as “questionable but not a criminal matter” and said that despite the risk of torture and the ultimate sanction hanging over him it did not feel “entitled” to demand he be returned home to London. Yemi Hailemariam, Mr ...
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አሜሪካ በኢትዮጵያ ላይ የያዘችውን ፓሊሲ ትመርምር መስከረም 15 ቀን 2007 ዓም፣ የዩ. ኤስ. አሜሪካ ፕሬዚዳንት ባራክ ኦቦማና ባልደረቦቻቸው በአንድ በኩል ኃይለማርያም ደሣለኝና አለቆቹ በሌላ በኩል ሆነው የሁለትዮሽ ስብሰባ ተደርጎ ነበር። በዚህ ስብሰባ ላይ ፕሬዚዳንት ኦባማ ያደረጉት ንግግር የዲፕሎማሲ ጨዋነት ከሚጠይቀው ርቀት በላይ ተጉዘው ሸሪኮቻቸው ባልሠሯቸው ጀብዶች ማሞገሳቸው አሳዝኖናል። ፕሬዚዳንት ኦባማ ከላይ በተጠቀሰው ቀን ያደረጉት ንግግር ላይ በርካታ ስህተቶች፣ ህፀፆችና ግድፈቶች የያዘ ከመሆኑም በላይ አንዳንዱ አስተያየት የኢትዮጵያዊያንን ክብር የሚነካ ሆኖ አግኝተነዋል። ፕሬዚዳንቱ ንግግራቸውን የጀመሩት “ኢትዮጵያ በዓለም ከሁሉም በላይ በከፍተኛ ፍጥነት በማደግ ላይ ያለች አገር ነች“ በሚል ዓረፍተ ነገር ነበር። የኢትዮጵያ ስታትስቲክስ ጽ/ቤት የፈጠራ ቀመሮች በዓለም ባንክ በኩል ዞረው በሚስ ሱዛን ራይስ ተቀነባብረው በባራክ ኦባማ አንደበት መስማት የሚያሳፍር ነው። የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ኦባማ የተናገሩትን ዓረፍተ ነገር ከኢትዮጵያ ቴሌቪዥና ራድዮ ደጋግሞ ሰምቶ ሰልችቶታል። ኦባማ፣ ይህ የተሰለቸ ዓረፍተ ነገር በእሳቸው አንደበት ሲነገር ስለሚሰ...
ESAT Daily News Amsterdam September 30 2014 Ethiopia | ESATTUBE
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ESAT Daily News Amsterdam September 30 2014 Ethiopia | ESATTUBE
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Woyane ambassador in Sweden decorated with rotten fish and eggs | Ethiopia
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Family of Andargachew Tsige Calls for his Release The family of a British citizen kidnapped and rendered to Ethiopia in June has called on the British government to secure his release as soon as possible. LONDON – Andargachew ‘Andy’ Tsege, a father of three from London, was travelling to Eritrea in June this year when he was seized during a stopover in Yemen. Two weeks later, Ethiopian officials admitted to the UK government that Mr Tsege was in their custody. British consular staff were denied access to Mr Tsege over 50 days after his initial capture, and his family still do not know where is being held. Last month, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn dismissed concerns about Mr Tsege’s concerns and whereabouts. Mr Tsege, who is a prominent member of an Ethiopian opposition group, faces a death sentence imposed in absentia, and his arrest comes amid a crackdown on political activists and journalists ahead of elections in Ethiopia next year. In a heavily-edited video aired r...
‘Britain is supporting a dictatorship in Ethiopia’ the Guardian
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One of hundreds of families in the Gambella region who have been forcibly removed from their homes. Photograph: Jenny Vaughan/AFP/Getty Images “Life was good because the land was the land of our ancestors. The village was along the riverside, where you could get drinking water, go fishing and plant mango, banana and papaya. The temperature there was good and we could feed ourselves.” This is how Mr O – his name is protected for his safety – remembers the home he shared with his family in the Gambella region of Ethiopia . The fertile land had been farmed for generations, relatively safe from wars, revolutions and famines. Then, one day, near the end of 2011, everything changed. Ethiopian troops arrived at the village and ordered everyone to leave. The harvest was ripe, but there was no time to gather it. When Mr O showed defiance, he says, he was jailed, beaten and tortured. Women were raped and some of his neighbours murdered during the forced relocation. U...